CULTURE MP3 - Le nouveau clip de Paula Abdul "Dance Like There's No Tomorrow" {video}
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Le nouveau clip de Paula Abdul "Dance Like There's No Tomorrow" {video}

* real queen of dance, janet out *

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While Janet is accumulating a lot of faux-pas these past days (scary cover + album too sexually-themed + only 10 songs + feedback doing badly on all of the charts + bad bad bad choreographer in the name of Gil, one of janet's worst choreographer e-v-e-r + some bad reviews from listening parties + judged too sexual and not popular enough compared to "that chick" + plus NO PROMOTION y'all !!!???? + plus she is fat back + plus she wears that horrid wig again... etc, etc.), her old time choreographer, Miss Paula Abdul, who sold 50 millions records in just 3 albums and got 5 number one songs and is recognized for being truly a mastermind of the dance art is back from where you did not expect her : the recording sessions !!

This re-introduction thanks to Randy Jackson, her colleague from the American Idol's jury, is a huge opportunity for Paula Abdul whose reputation is - apart from being under drugs and medication (which is not true since i've watched all the episodes from "hey paula" the mini RealTV serie about her life as a business woman and artist ) - very good. People love her because she's the good member of the jury and always been.

Dance Like There's No Tomorrow.
Now the song is "gentil". Nothing really revolutionnary. It's even a little bit outdated but it might as well be written that has-been-way on purpose. It's the Abdul way of singing, it's non aggressive, it's playable in an elevator, in the supermarkets, etc. But the strong thing is that Paula Abdul is choreographing her new video which will premiere on the Superbowl pre-show.
And when it comes to dance, even if she's had severe neck surgery and painful re-education, no wonder, from what it looks, that miss Abdul is back to teach those amateurs some steps!!!!!

Janet better call Tina Landon and René Elizondo (her "Greatest Ex ever") back or she will face the same fate as the Titanic very soon....

You can watch a video clip from Access Hollywood right here:

Some of Paula Adbdul best choreographies in the past :

This video still does amaze me qute much. The dance style is so precise, so free-style at the same time, the feeling is so fiece and ferocious ... mmmmm

I like the way she can tap in almost all of her videos even with an animated cat !!

and here's a tribute on "dance like there's no tomorrow" of Abdul's style of dance and it's fierce! Totally in your face!!!

Culture MP3 le 28.01.08 à 18:01 dans music news

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