CULTURE MP3 - Madonna aurait son propre blog!! Lisez...
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Madonna aurait son propre blog!! Lisez...

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Evidemment, il s'agit d'un faux blog de Madonna surtout quand on voit les photos hilarantes sur mariah carey etc. Mais l'effort mérite quand même d'être signalé surtout, c'est assez drôle comme blog. Son nom? MADONNA'S THOUGHTS (les pensées de Madonna) : BLOG PERSONNEL DE MADONNA (click ici)

J'aime bien le passage où elle dit qu'elle n'a "AUCUN DOUTE" (No Doubt) que Gwen Stefani lui a piqué plein de petits trucs à elle (façon de faire des clips , d'utiliser l'image etc) et quand elle recommande aux fans de ne pas hésiter à envoyer cette carte postale d'halloween à tout le monde... hi-la-rant !!!

A lire pour se divertir !!!

Quelques photos prises de ce blog:


A Horse Named Mariah

You know what? I'm so sick of that Mariah Carey cow. She thinks she can sell more records than me! Does she not realize that I'm the biggest selling female in history WORLDWIDE? Oh well, at least Britney likes me...I pretend to like her too but that's a story for later! I thought our lesbian kiss would increase record sales, but it looks like it would take more than we can do on tv to sell that American Life album. I know it's not my best work, but I thought rapping about pilates and hotties would sound hip. I guess I need to get out more. London has made me less hip and edgy! I love it here though. I guess I could hire some gay guys to keep me up on the latest trends, but Guy is so jealous of them. Duh! They like boys, Guy!

I fell off of a horse a few weeks ago and it hurt like hell! I'm feeling better now, but man my butt was sore for a few weeks! Ouch! I guess God wants to remind me that I'm human and not a goddess that will live forever. Maybe he should come to my next Pilates session and then he will see how tough I am!

Mise à jour : Mardi 8 Août 2006, 08:34

le critikeur le 06.11.05 à 15:18 dans music news

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